Required Documents for Turkish Citizenship Application

·23/11/2023·Turkish Citizenship, Legal·1 min·

Required Documents for Turkish Citizenship by Investment: A Detailed Guide […]

Required Documents for Turkish Citizenship by Investment

Required Documents for Turkish Citizenship by Investment: A Detailed Guide

Applying for Turkish citizenship through investment requires a specific set of documents. This guide outlines the necessary paperwork at each stage of the application process.

Pre-Investment Documentation

Before making an investment, the following documents are required:

  1. Passport and Translation: A valid passport and its certified Turkish translation.
  2. Tax Identification Number: Issued by Turkish tax authorities.
  3. Exchange Conversion Document: Proving the exchange of foreign currency to Turkish Lira.
  4. Valuation Report: Assessing the value of the investment property.
  5. Payment Receipt: Confirming payment for the investment.

Post-Investment Documentation

After completing the investment, the key document required is:

  1. Certificate of Conformity: Certifying that the investment meets the criteria for citizenship application.

Post-Certificate of Conformity Documentation

Once the Certificate of Conformity is obtained, the following documents are needed:

  1. Application Form (VAT-4): Official form for citizenship application.
  2. State Citizenship Proof: A passport or similar document, with a certified Turkish translation if stateless.
  3. Parental Consent for Minors: If applying with children, a notarized consent document from the other parent.
  4. Marital Status Document: Marriage certificate if married, divorce certificate if divorced, or spouse’s death certificate if widowed.
  5. Birth Certificate or Population Registration: Showing personal details, and similar documentation for spouse and children, if applicable.
  6. Document for Missing Birth Date Details: If birth date is incomplete, a document from the home country’s authorities is needed.
  7. Receipt of Service Fee Payment: Proof of payment made to the Finance Office.
  8. Biometric Photographs: Two 50×60 mm biometric photos on a white background as per ICAO standards.

For more information:
Expert Turkish Citizenship Lawyers: Your Guide to Real Estate and Investment-Based Citizenship

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