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PCR Test Obligation Circular Sent for Some Activities  20.08.2021 As […]

PCR Test Obligation Circular Sent for Some Activities 


As of Monday, September 6, 2021 PCR test with a negative result is obligatory in the participation of non-vaccinated persons in activities such as concerts, cinemas and theaters  will be brought. In this framework, operators/organizers will be asked to enter the events via the HES code for a vaccinated/past disease (according to the time that is scientifically considered immune after Covid-19 disease) or a negative PCR test performed maximum 48 hours ago.
If the person has not had the disease, is not vaccinated, or does not have a negative PCR test, they will not be allowed to participate in the event.

Intercity travel by non-vaccinated or unvaccinated persons by plane, bus, train or other public transportation vehicles, excluding private vehicles. There will also be a negative PCR test for travels. In this context, starting from Monday, September 6, 2021, travel companies will be questioning the vaccinated/passed disease (according to the time that is scientifically considered immune after Covid-19 disease) or the negative PCR test performed maximum 48 hours ago, via the HES code, at the stage of admission to the vehicle. If the person has not had the disease, is not vaccinated, or does not have a negative PCR test, these people will not be allowed to travel. 

Provincial/District Hygiene Board resolutions may impose a PCR test control requirement over the HES code for the unvaccinated or unvaccinated persons who will benefit from other activities or activities in their provinces/districts by the governorships/districts. 

Behaviors such as hugging and shaking hands, which are avoided in line with the distance rule, have become widespread in the society, especially in the last period, with the epidemic process. Efforts to remind the citizens of the importance of staying away from activities such as handshaking/hugging, which are a part of our culture and increase the spread of the epidemic during the fight against the epidemic, will continue under the coordination of the governors and district governors.

In line with these principles, in accordance with Articles 27 and 72 of the Public Health Law, the decisions of the Provincial/District Public Health Boards will be taken promptly, and there will be no problems in practice and no grievances will be caused.

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