Who Can Get a 2020 Short-Term Residence Permit for Tourism Purposes

·24/06/2022·Uncategorized·3 min·

Short Term Residence Permit Application for Tourism Purposes 09/15/2020 For […]

Short Term Residence Permit Application for Tourism Purposes


For foreigners who cannot exit their country due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, whose visa/visa exemption or residence permit expires in our country, and who cannot get a new residence permit and become irregular, do not have access to basic services such as education and health. It has been determined that they have suffered grievances regarding their access and  “residence permit restriction for tourism purposes” application has been suspended as of 08.09.2020 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

      In This Scope;

  1. After 01.01.2020, the newly-dated tourism applications of foreigners whose short-term residence permit applications for tourism purposes were rejected within the scope of the application will be evaluated by the governorships in accordance with the general provisions, < /li>
  2. Current requests of foreigners who have applied for a short-term residence permit for tourism purposes and whose applications have not been finalized yet will be evaluated by the governorates, and they will not be able to make new applications for the same reason,
  3. If foreigners whose visa/visa exemption or residence permit expired after 01.01.2020 and who did not apply for a short-term residence permit for tourism purposes, their applications will be evaluated by the governorates according to the general provisions,< /span>
  4. After 01.01.2020, those whose residence permit applications for tourism purposes are rejected and who apply for a new residence permit within the scope of the application, or who are subject to the short-term residence permit restriction for tourism purposes within the scope of the application, are subject to 01.01. The applications of foreigners who do not apply after 2020, in violation of a visa/residence and apply for a residence permit, will be evaluated on the condition that they pay one fold of the fee to be calculated for the period covered by the time exceeded in accordance with the tariff no. 6 of the Fees Law No. 492, based on the application date,< /li>
    < /li>

Respectfully announced to the public.

quote :  https://www.goc.gov.tr/turizm-amacli-kisa-donem-ikamet-izni-uygulamasi


General Directorate of Migration Management’ “Right for Short-Term Residence Permits for Tourism Purposes.” It has been observed that a new need for information has arisen within the scope of the article.

In this context;

Before 1-01/01/2020   do those who have suffered a visa or residence violation have the right to apply?

Answer:< /span> 01.01.2020&nbsp Foreigners who have violated a visa or residence before the date  cannot apply within this scope, and will be negatively evaluated if they apply.


2-Who does the new decision cover, who can apply?< /span>

Answer:< /span> 01.01.2020  Foreigners who violate visa or residence can apply in this context after the date of if they apply, they will be evaluated within the scope of general provisions.


3-Short Term application rejected or can non-applicants re-apply?

Answer:< /span> 01.01.2020  Foreigners whose residence permit applications for tourism purposes are rejected or who do not apply within the scope of the circular after the date of if they apply again, will be evaluated within the scope of the general provisions.< /p>

4-< /span>How much fees and penalties will I pay for my residence application?

Answer:< /span>after 01/01/2020   by not making an application if foreigners in violation of visa/residence do not apply for a residence permit, the amount of residence fee will be paid twice. A single entry visa fee will be charged for fee-free countries.

5-Can I make a residence status inquiry before I come to the Immigration Office?

Answer: In order to minimize urban mobility during the epidemic, Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Migration Management has moved the consultancy services to electronic environment istanbul.duzenli@goc.gov.tr corporate e-mail address has been opened.

             Via the e-mail address specified above;

  • Information about the status of your residence applications< /span>
  • Your PTT barcode number
  • You can request residence permit application document.

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