·12/03/2022·Uncategorized·1 min·

Turkey is one of the first countries preferred by students […]

Turkey is one of the first countries preferred by students who want to study associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctorate. It ranks high in the world, both as educators, academics and professors, and in terms of educational functioning.

First of all, the student must graduate from a secondary education institution in order to apply to higher education, which includes at least two-year education programs. Higher education institutions covering associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs; institutes, conservatories, faculties and vocational schools. 

Requirements for Undergraduate Programs in Turkey

Candidates who want to study at public or private universities should apply to the universities in person. Each university in Turkey determines its own entry conditions and does not accept students except for these conditions. Generally, universities that accept students in Turkey demand the following conditions:

> Secondary education diploma accepted as equivalent to high school diploma after primary and secondary education

> Transcript document showing high school grades

> Equivalency Certificate

> It is necessary to obtain sufficient points from internationally recognized exams such as GCE, ACT, SAT or to obtain the required score from the Foreign Student Exam (YÖS).


For more detailed information, you can contact our student affairs experts . For direct communication: +90 533 035 50 08 – 0850 888 0 157


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