The number of foreign tourists coming to Antalya has exceeded 8 million

·05/04/2022·Uncategorized·3 min·

In Antalya, which has the most 5-star hotels in Turkey, […]

In Antalya, which has the most 5-star hotels in Turkey, the number of tourists from abroad exceeded 8 million in 7.5 months of the year. Looking at the countries of tourists, this year, Russia was replaced by Germany with an increase of 250%.

In Antalya, which hosts tourists in 12 months of the year with its sea, beaches, nature, historical and cultural values, tourism activity has started to return to pre-COVID-19. The number of tourists coming from abroad to the city, which hosted approximately 9 million tourists last year, was recorded as 8 million 15 thousand 366 between January 1st and August 17th this year.


The most tourists are from Germany


When we look at the countries of the tourists, Germany took the place of Russia this year. 1 million 364 thousand tourists came from Germany with an increase of 250 percent compared to the same period last year.


Russia, which is in the first place every year, took the second place this year. 1 million 276 thousand tourists from Russia, where an increase of 13 percent was experienced compared to the same period of the previous year, preferred Antalya for their holidays. England followed Russia with 617 thousand 440 tourists, Poland with 392 thousand 135 tourists and the Netherlands with 236 thousand 115 tourists.


“It would be much better if we could add November to the peak months this year”


The Governor of Antalya, Ersin Yazıcı, said that the number of tourists continues to increase in a pleasing manner.


Stating that 8 million has passed as of today, Yazıcı said, “We are way ahead of the same period last year. We have had more than 70 thousand entries per day for a long time. We also meet with tourism professionals frequently. By the end of October, most of the hotels are mostly full. I hope. We will finish the season well,” he said.


Pointing out that the tourism season in the city is getting longer, Yazıcı stated that the activity continued in November last year. Stating that the same picture will be encountered this year, Yazıcı said, “When we look at the years, July, August, September and October are our peak months, the months when we host the highest number of guests. Last year, it continued until November 15. If we can add November to the peak months this year, it will be much more. It would be nice for our city,” he said.


European countries are moving


Governor Yazıcı stated that there has been a significant change in the distribution of countries sending tourists to Antalya compared to last year.


Expressing that especially alternative markets have begun to emerge, Yazıcı noted that there have been returns from countries whose numbers have decreased in recent years. Yazıcı stated that this situation also makes tourism professionals and tradesmen with whom the sector is related, happy.


Explaining that among the countries that send tourists to the city, very serious increases are observed in European countries, Yazıcı said:


“The figures between Germany and Russia are very close to each other. What is remarkable is that Germany took the first place, there are very serious increases in Poland and the Netherlands. There is Israel, which decreased in previous years, started again this year, they have not been here for a long time, this year. They are in the 8th place. Kazakhstan 6, Romania 7, Denmark 9, Czechia 10. The fact that Europe has turned to our city again makes our tourism professionals happy. Our numbers are good, our expectations are high. I hope we will pass last year easily, we may not be able to catch 2019, but ‘its We hope to complete the year under a few million.”


Emphasizing that it is important that tourists come from many different countries, Yazıcı added that the industry does not want to be tied to a single market, and that important studies are being carried out on alternative markets.

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