·21/08/2022·Life in Turkey, News, Trends·2 min·

Refugee or refugee; who is persecuted because of their religion, membership of a particular […]

Refugee or refugee; who is persecuted because of their religion, membership of a particular social group or political opinions, or who has fear and anxiety of being seen, A person who has left/forced to leave his/her country for this reason and cannot or does not want to return due to fear, and whose concerns are justified by the country of asylum.

Turkey is of interest to UNHCR, with approximately 3.6 million registered Syrian refugees as well as some 320,000 other nationalities. It also hosts the person entering.   

Continuing the geographical limitation and in this context preserving resettlement as the most preferred solution for refugees who have come to Turkey due to events taking place outside of Europe; It is a party to the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol. Turkey is carrying out legal and institutional reforms to build an effective national asylum system in line with international standards. In April 2013, the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, Turkey’s first asylum law, was approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly and entered into force on April 11, 2014. The law sets out the basic foundations of Turkey’s national asylum system; established the General Directorate of Migration Management as the main institution responsible for policy making and all foreigners-related procedures in Turkey. Turkey also adopted the Temporary Protection Regulation on 22 October 2014, which sets out the rights, obligations and procedures for persons under temporary protection in Turkey. 

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, “The solution to the refugee crisis is not only to send humanitarian aid to these honorable people who are struggling to hold on to life. It is essential to eliminate the reasons that force refugees and asylum seekers to migrate, to end conflicts and instability, and to make efforts for these people to return to their homes.” >

World Refugee Day is celebrated every year on 20 June to tell people about the plight of refugees.

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