·13/03/2022·Uncategorized·2 min·

Green Card is a non-US citizen, living and working in […]

Green Card is a non-US citizen, living and working in the US indefinitely. is the official immigrant visa that gives you the permit. 

Every year, Green Card (diversity immigrant visa) is given to 50,000 people by lottery within the scope of the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program by the U.S. Department of State with the authorization of the American Congress. The DV program, which is planned and held every year, is suitable for people who meet the desired conditions, limited by simple but some strict rules. Winners of the DV program are announced as a result of a random draw via a computer.

There is no need to speak English to participate in the Green Card lottery or to get a visa when you win the lottery. Winning the lottery does not directly mean getting a Green Card. As a result of the lottery, more people are informed that they won the lottery than the total number of people who will be given visas. Among these people, only those who complete their transactions in a timely and error-free manner and who do not mind issuing a visa by the USA, are allocated visas that enable them to obtain a Green Card.

Benefits of Green Card

  • You have the right to officially reside and work in the USA for life.
  • You have almost all the rights of American citizenship, except to vote.
  • You can apply for scholarships and study at American State Universities or institutions.
  • You can work almost anywhere, including US Government Offices, and open your own business.
  • You can become an American Citizen 5 years after you start living in the USA with a Green Card.

Green Card Application Conditions

There is no age limit to apply for the Green Card Lottery. However, there is a requirement to be at least a high school graduate OR to have worked in a job that requires expertise and experience for at least 2 years.

Application Dates

Green Card application dates are between October 6 and November 9, 2021. 

As Türkpermit family, we are making your Green Card applications with care. You can use the number 0533 035 50 08 for communication. 

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