كيف يمكنني الحصول على تصريح الإقامة للأطفال الأجانب وغير المتزوجين المولودين في تركيا؟

-06/08/2022-مرشد, تصريح الإقامة-1 دقيقة-

Explore the essential steps for registering a child born in Turkey to mixed nationality parents, including Turkish citizens and foreigners.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of registering a child born in Turkey and obtaining necessary documents like residence permits and passports, especially in situations where the child is born to a Turkish citizen and a foreign national.

  1. For Foreign Parents in Turkey:
    • If both parents are foreigners with a residence permit in Turkey, they can easily obtain a passport for the newborn from their home country’s consulate within six months of the child’s birth.
    • In cases where foreign parents cannot secure a passport from their consulate for the child, a travel document will be issued. The family can then travel to their home country to obtain a passport for the child.
  2. For Mixed Nationality Parents (Turkish Citizen and Foreign National):
    • If the child is born to a foreign woman and a Turkish man, and they are not married, the mother should provide a document from her home country confirming her single status. This document must be officially certified (apostilled).
    • Under suitable conditions, and with her consent, it is possible for the child to obtain Turkish identification through a legal acknowledgment process by the Turkish father.

These guidelines are designed to assist parents in understanding the necessary steps for registering their child in Turkey and obtaining the appropriate documents. The process can vary depending on the parents’ marital status and nationalities, so it’s important to be aware of the specific requirements in each scenario.

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