Discover the significant updates in Turkey's residence permit and Foreign Health Insurance costs for 2024.

As of 2024, after the increase in residence permit fees and tax fees for foreigners who want to obtain a residence permit in Turkey, an increase has also occurred in the  التأمينات الصحية الأجنبية  which are compulsory for obtaining a residence permit. Current prices have increased considerably compared to 2023.

كما تم زيادة الضمانات التي سيستفيد منها حاملو التأمين عند ذهابهم إلى المستشفيات.

عمر 1. Year 2. Year المجموع
0 – 15 3500 5250 8750
16 – 25 1950 2925 4875
26 – 35 1990 2985 4975
36 – 45 3030 4545 7575
46 – 55 3580 5370 8950
56 – 60 4900 7350 12250
61 – 65 6730 10095 16825
66 – 69 11220 16830 28050

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